March 28, 2021 : Luna enters Libra - we're all artists today
welcome to episode 10 in season five of kristo's astrology...
here's my reading of the Zeitgeist for Monday, March 29th, 2021
**all times reported here are in UTC-0 (Universal Coordinated Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)... please adjust according to your own Time Zone... if you're not sure about the time zone difference, you can find that here: Time Zone Map
just a reminder: don't sweat it if the numbers or hours are confusing... I'm with you on that...
calculating the times for these transits requires simple arithmetic, which is something I have absolutely no intuition for…
just know that each of the planetary influences wax and wane over hours, days, and sometimes months or years...!
let your Intuition own the changes, and so whenever you observe a synchronicity that jibes with what you’ve heard from me…
perfect…! because it shows that YOU and YOUR Intuition are on the money...
The Libra Moon Trines Aquarian Saturn (in his Square to Taurean Uranus, and Sextile to the Sol / Venus / Chiron Stellium in Aries) @12:21 AM GMT / UTC-0
for sure, this is Marcel Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q. — which reminds me that I missed a transit from yesterday...
there's just no question that we learn the most and best from our mistakes...
let yourself make a good one today...
Sol exactly Quintiles Capricorn Pluto @2:46 AM
this is you profiting from your mistakes...
and I do mean profiting...
you might even call it profiteering...
Luna Trines the Gemini Dragon's Head (in its Coniunctio to Mars) @5:20 AM
this is you making some news...
hey, don't be afraid to show your work...
it tends to get stale if you don't...
Luna Trines Mars @6:12 AM
and this is you making brand new work...
it doesn't have to be perfect — or perfected...
it just has to get made...
Sol exactly Conjuncts Chiron @9:09 AM
this is you polishing your work...
it can't all be done in one day...
you just have to have an idea of how you want it to turn out — and start from there...
Luna reaches a Quincunx to Piscean Mercury (in his / her Coniunctio to Neptune) @3:16 PM
you are your own worst critic, you know...
messy and imperfect is a great place to start from...
especially as opposed to feeling paralyzed and intimidated by your ideas of perfection...
Luna reaches a Quincunx to Neptune @4:42 PM
there always comes a point of diminishing returns...
try, try, and try to stop before you reach it...
Luna Trines unaspected Aquarian Jupiter @7:01 PM
whatever this is, it's really, really good...
a genuine surprise, too...
in other words, an astrologic unveiling...
can't wait...!
and here’s another fairytale flash:
well Episode 11 of the Hansel and Gretel Code is now out there in the wild...
I call this Episode: Whose Turn to Say Grace...? and it begins our deep dive into the third sentence of the fairytale... I do hope you'll take a listen...
Episode 12 will continue with the third sentence, and the good news is that having worked on both episodes together, Episode 12 is nearly ready for release...
you can find transcripts and links for each episode on the website at, or just look for the link to the Hansel and Gretel Code in the menu at the top of every page on
and just as a reminder, I'm giving away pdf copies of the Hansel and Gretel manuscript... it's the text I'm using for the podcast...
you'll want a copy so you can follow along with me and even work on your own interpretation...
it's the oldest complete version of the story out there, and my own translation of it into English was the only available until just about a year ago...
just sayin'
hit the talk to me link on the website or right here talk to me... and ask for your free copy... easy peasy...
no matter what anybody has already told you about Hansel and Gretel, get ready to be surprised...
this podcast is gonna take you on a rollercoaster of psychological depths and heights — not to mention informative twists and turns — all of them designed to entertain the hell out of you…
you can find out all about it on the website, or on whatever podcast app that floats your boat…
and please take a listen to my art podcast, it’s my take on art and art appreciation that aims to take the snoot and attitude out of museum and gallery going...
it actually let's you own the damn place...
okay, well, that's it for today... thanks for listening... have a great day, and I'll see you tomorrow...
Alrighty then... ciao a tutti...
got a comment or a question:
Music and Sound credits:
Saxophone Improvisation Performance in Bb Harmonic Altered Scale by Toprak Barut. - courtesy of emirdemirel and - licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
A River of Doubt by Skip Peck and licensed through
"ciao" courtesy of Nighteller and - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
"ciao ciao" courtesy of Nighteller and - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
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March 28, 2021 / March 30, 2021
the Great Saturn / Pluto Conjunction of 2020