December 21, 2020 : Luna enters Aries, Sol enters Capricorn, and Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn - O, Captain, My Captain

welcome to episde 1 of the fourth season of kristo's astrology...

here's my reading of the Zeitgeist for Monday, December 21st, 2020

**all times reported here are in UTC-0 (Universal Coordinated Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)... please adjust according to your own Time Zone... if you're not sure about the time zone difference, you can find that here: Time Zone Map

just a reminder: don't sweat it if the numbers or hours are confusing... I'm with you on that...

calculating the times for these transits requires simple arithmetic, which is something I have absolutely no intuition for…

just know that each of the planetary influences wax and wane over hours, days, and sometimes months or years...!

let your Intuition own the changes, and so whenever you observe a synchronicity that jibes with what you’ve heard from me…

perfect…! because it shows that YOU and YOUR Intuition are on the money...

Piscean Luna Squares the Gemini Dragon's Head (in its Square to Piscean Neptune) @1:46 AM GMT / UTC-0

if you're going to consult an oracle today, you might not agree with what you hear...

although that's likely to be because the answer you've gotten is meant for a question other than the one you asked...

we're not always great at asking the right question...

sometimes our priorities get a little muddled...

like now...

it's understandable at this liminal moment of the solar cycle...


Sagittarian Venus (in her Trine to Aries Chiron) reaches an exact Quincunx to Taurean Uranus @6:11 AM

don't feel bad if the scale is giving you an answer you don't like...

it's not that the scale is off...

it's that our inner scale...

the one by which we measure our self-esteem is just a little screwy right now...

don't worry, it's easy enough to recalibrate...

it will just take a little bit of time...


Sol (in his Coniunctio to Mercury) enters Capricorn @10:03 AM

so, there it is...

the Solstice...

and this year, it's got plenty to say to us all...

so, you might want to listen to my separate Solstice episode...

I'll just leave it at that...


Luna Sextiles Capricorn Pluto (in his Square to Aries Mars, and Quintile to Chiron) @10:24 AM

this is another good moment for meditation...

if nothing else, just let go of logic and listen in to what your own Intuition has to say to you...

Pluto's theme, as always is letting go...

and it has a predictable mantra: "Let go!"


Aquarian Jupiter exactly Conjuncts Saturn @6:21 PM

and here we are at that interestingly historic astronomic / astrologic instant...

as with Sol's entry into Capricorn, I've spoken to this in the extra, Solstice episode...

for now, just know that I consider this combo to be the Headmaster / Headmistress... and not a hardass one — a genial and generous one...

it could be Robin Williams' character from the Dead Poets Society, except this isn't a simple teacher, this combo has authority and power on top of empathy and learning...


Luna Sextiles Saturn @11:33 PM, and Sextiles Jupiter 3 minutes later @11:36 PM

expect that Headmaster / mistress to show up in your neck of the woods...

take some time to think about who, what and how you want that energy to manifest between your ears...

here's a hint: it's already there...

it just needs you to pay attention...


Luna Squares Sol @11:41 PM

expect a clash between your logical and more intuitive sides...

it doesn't have to be an arm wrestling match...

both can coexist even better than peacefully...

they just have to have their proper time...

you can't be intuitive all the time...

and being logical all the time is just ridiculous...

nobody is Mr. Spock...

not even Mr. Spock...


and here’s another fairytale flash:

well, finally, Episode 8 of the Hansel and Gretel Code is now out there in the wild, and I'm hard at work on episodes 9 and 10...

you can find it on the website at, or just look for the link to the Hansel and Gretel Code in the menu at the top of every page on

and just as a reminder, I'm giving away pdf copies of the Hansel and Gretel manuscript I'm using for the podcast...

you'll want a copy so you can follow along with me and even work on your own interpretation...

it's the oldest complete version of the story out there, and my own translation of it into English was the only one out there until just a year ago...

just sayin'

check out the episode for info on how to get your's easy peasy...

alrighty then, ciao a tutti...


no matter what anybody has already told you about Hansel and Gretel, get ready to be surprised...

this podcast is gonna take you on a rollercoaster of psychological depths and heights — not to mention informative twists and turns —  all of them designed to entertain the hell out of you…

you can find out all about it on the website, or on whatever podcast app that floats your boat…

and please take a listen to my art podcast, it’s my take on art and art appreciation that aims to take the snoot and attitude out of museum and gallery going — and let you own the damn place...


okay, well, that's it for today... thanks for listening... have a great day, and I'll see you tomorrow...

Alrighty then... ciao a tutti...

got a comment or a question:

talk to me... 

Music and Sound credits:

intro: Wagner - Tannhauser, WWV 70 - March (piano arr. - Bülow) performed by Markus Staab (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0)

"ciao ciao" courtesy of Nighteller and - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

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December 20, 2020 / December 21, 2020

Winter Solstice 2020

the Great Saturn / Pluto Conjunction of 2020

Autumnal Equinox 2020

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Winter Solstice 2019