August 20, 2021 : Luna enters Aquarius - looks like there's a golden apple in your future

welcome to episode 61 in season six of kristo's astrology...

here's my reading of the Zeitgeist for Friday, August 20th, 2021

**all times reported here are in UTC-0 (Universal Coordinated Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)... please adjust the hours according to your own Time Zone... if you're not sure about the time zone difference, you can find that here: Time Zone Map

just a reminder: don't sweat it if the numbers or hours are confusing... I'm with you on that...

just know that each of the planetary influences wax and wane over hours, days, and sometimes months or years...!

let your Intuition own the changes, and so whenever you observe a synchronicity that jibes with what you’ve heard from me…

perfect…! because it shows that YOU and YOUR Intuition are on the money...


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no spam, no ads (okay, except for maybe my own, other podcasts) and nothing pushy...!

The Capricorn Moon Conjuncts Pluto (in his Sextile to Piscean Neptune, and Quincunx to Leo Sol) @12:59 AM GMT / UTC-0, and goes Void of Course for 8 hours and 50 minutes

you know how The Great Saturn / Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th of 2020, was an astrologic event that hadn't happened since Martin Luther changed the course of History...

well, astrologically, Saturn tranists always seem to presage unfortunate health events...

as evidenced by that January 2020 connection to the Covid crisis...

and while this month's transit of the Moon Conjuncting Pluto carries no such existential weight, I think we can see it as another step in the healing cycle that eventually follows all pandemics and catastrophes...

Capricorn is nothing if not a sign of resilience...

and this transit is a sign that things are slowly returning to normal...

not the old normal, of course...

but a new normal that doesn't carry the same charge of unknowns and shocks as the original disruptive phase did...


Sol exactly Opposes Aquarian Jupiter @1:29 AM

we may or may not be more vulnerable to hackers and digital disruptors...

at least we're more aware of the danger...


Taurean Uranus (in his Trine to the Mercury / Mars Coniunctio in Virgo) turns Retrograde (until January 18th) @2:40 AM

this isn't necessarily a time to lay low and hunker down, but it does seem appropriate to tend to all of our personal digital resources and make them ready for whatever storms that are brewing...

the digital climate has sure changed...

according to the astrology, it's nothing we can't handle...


Luna reaches a Quincunx to Sol @5:21 AM

expect an unwanted spotlight to expose a few of your well-known flaws...

well know to you, that is...

we've all got 'em...

searching for and pointing out everyone else's is really a poor substitute for self-improvement...


Mercury (in his / her Quincunx to Aries Chiron, and waxing BiQuintile to Aquarian Saturn) exactly Trines Uranus @9:06 AM


little steps and the tiniest of improvements are just perfect...

from little seeds...


Luna enters Aquarius @9:49 AM

well, Aquarius is certainly all about technology...

it's also about surprises...

expect a couple of digital surprises of the finest kind...

yeah, yeah, there will always be techno-glitches...

in the next couple of days look for the anti-glitches...

a few small, digital delights...

there are sure to be more than a few of them...


Mercury exactly BiQuintiles Saturn (in his Trine to the Gemini Dragon's Head) @10:15 AM


this is you banking some super-valuable experience...

and without having to make any regrettable mistakes in order to facilitate it...


Luna Quintiles Chiron @10:30 AM

well, here's one of those techno-boosts / anti-glitches I was talking about...

expect to find yourself amazed and delighted by what pops up on your screen...


Luna begins a Grand Trine in Air with a Trine to Libra Venus (in her Trine to the Dragon's Head) @7:01 PM

expect to be given a choice between 3 very delightful options...

consider it an astrologic judgement of Paris...

the one involving a Golden Apple and 3 goddesses...

you know, the one that started the Trojan War...


Luna completes that Grand Trine with a Trine to the Dragon's Head @9:04 PM

time for your judgement...

there's no getting out oof this, either...

you've just gotta choose...

expect a whole slew of bribes you'd hate to refuse...


Luna BiQuintiles Mars @11:23 PM

the war we're talking about here is one where you get to vanquish a good portion of your fears...

as in the mythology, it's all psychological...

expect to feel transformed by the consequences of your choice...


HEY, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel...

look for kristo's astrology channel on YouTube because that's where you can see the evolving planetary arrangements as seen from — where else — Greenwich, England...

and if you like it, PLEASE do subscribe there and, more importantly, spread the word...

you know, like mayo on your sandwich...

or, okay like mustard...

mustard's good too...

I got nothin' against mustard...

I swear...!


 Podchaser - kristo's astrology


and here’s another fairytale flash:

well Episode 14 of the Hansel and Gretel Code is now out there in the wild...

I call this episode: Transformation Can Be Fun... and in it we find out why the deity is really a ham actor whose favorite hang out is that famous sleaze joint called Between a Rock and a Hard Place... Why not stop by and join the fun...?

you can find transcripts and links for each episode on the website at, or just look for the link to the Hansel and Gretel Code in the menu at the top of every page on

and just as a reminder, I'm giving away pdf copies of the manuscript version... it's the text I'm using for the podcast...

you'll want a copy so you can follow along with me and even work on your own interpretation...

it's the oldest complete version of the original Hansel and Gretel story out there, and my own translation of it into English was the only available until just about a year ago...

just sayin'

hit the talk to me link on the website or right here talk to me... and ask for your free copy... easy peasy...


no matter what anybody has already told you about Hansel and Gretel, get ready to be surprised...

this podcast is gonna take you on a rollercoaster of psychological depths and heights — not to mention informative twists and turns —  all of them designed to entertain the hell out of you…

you can find out all about it on the website, or on whatever podcast app that floats your boat…

and please take a listen to my art podcast, it’s my take on art and art appreciation that aims to take the snoot and attitude out of museum and gallery going...

it actually let's you own the damn place...


okay, well, that's it for today... thanks for listening... have a great day, and I'll see you tomorrow...

Alrighty then... ciao a tutti...

got a comment or a question:

talk to me... 

Music and Sound credits:

Thief in the Night by Kevin MacLeod - Licensed through

In Your Arms by Kevin MacLeod - Licensed through

"ciao" courtesy of Nighteller and - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License

"ciao ciao" courtesy of Nighteller and - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License


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synchronicity and the horoscope...

here's how to use the horoscope to train your own intuition:

don’t think of it as predictive news... 

use it as an exercise — especially after the moment has passed...

look for things that sound like descriptions of events from your day — uncannily direct is great, but oddly familiar is even better... 

astrology is all metaphor, you know?

as your intuition grows, you’ll learn to trust it more and more — and that’s when you’ll start appreciating the synchronicities for what they really are: affirmations from Psyche telling you that you’re on the right track...

then, like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs, all you have to do is see where they lead....

August 19, 2021 / August 21, 2021

astro archives

Winter Solstice 2020

the Great Saturn / Pluto Conjunction of 2020

Autumnal Equinox 2020

Vernal Equinox 2020

Winter Solstice 2019