June 9, 2021 : Luna's in Gemini - today is astrologic Bloomsday
welcome to episode 82 in season five of kristo's astrology...
here's my reading of the Zeitgeist for Wednesday, June 9th, 2021
**all times reported here are in UTC-0 (Universal Coordinated Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)... please adjust according to your own Time Zone... if you're not sure about the time zone difference, you can find that here: Time Zone Map
just a reminder: don't sweat it if the numbers or hours are confusing... I'm with you on that...
calculating the times for these transits requires simple arithmetic, which is something I have absolutely no intuition for…
just know that each of the planetary influences wax and wane over hours, days, and sometimes months or years...!
let your Intuition own the changes, and so whenever you observe a synchronicity that jibes with what you’ve heard from me…
perfect…! because it shows that YOU and YOUR Intuition are on the money...
just a reminder: episode 13 of the Hansel and Gretel Code is now out there in the wild...
In this episode we ask lots of tough questions, there’s an ominous knock on the door, and we all end up on Saturday Night Live...
I call this episode: We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat...
Gemini Luna Quintiles Piscean Neptune (in his Square to the Mercury / Sol Coniunctio in Gemini) @6:13 AM GMT / UTC-0
whether you're writing something or reading something, expect to come across something so inspiring you'll have to stop what you're doing to just let it settle in...
Joyce mentioned this sort of moment in his Portrait of the Artist...
and he called it something along the lines of aesthetic arrest...
don't worry too much about the name — just enjoy the phenomenon...
it's a game changer...
Luna Conjuncts the Dragon's Head (in its Trine to Aquarian Saturn, and Sextile to Aries Chiron) @4:55 PM
you can now go back to your reading or writing...
and you sure as hell have something wonderful to think about going forward...
Luna Sextiles Chiron (in his Sextile to Saturn) @8:56 PM
consider this an astrologic diary entry...
it could also be an elaborate note about your discovery...
something to build on, for sure...
Luna Trines Saturn (in his Square to Taurean Uranus) @10:44 PM
expect your future reading to come heavily under the influence of today's inspiration...
you're going to want to research this in much greater depth...
especially since finding the words for it is still surprisingly difficult...
here's a link to get you started, since it turns out that today is astrologic Bloomsday...
"So you want to read Ulysses...?"
this, despite the fact that official Bloomsday is a week from now on June 16th...
go figure...
and here’s another fairytale flash:
well Episode 13 of the Hansel and Gretel Code is now out there in the wild...
I call this episode: We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat, and it takes us deeper into the third sentence of the fairytale with our woodcutter having a full-blown panic attack... Why not come on along for the ride...?
you can find transcripts and links for each episode on the website at betweenthelines.xyz, or just look for the link to the Hansel and Gretel Code in the menu at the top of every page on kristo.com...
and just as a reminder, I'm giving away pdf copies of the manuscript version... it's the text I'm using for the podcast...
you'll want a copy so you can follow along with me and even work on your own interpretation...
it's the oldest complete version of the original Hansel and Gretel story out there, and my own translation of it into English was the only available until just about a year ago...
just sayin'
hit the talk to me link on the website or right here talk to me... and ask for your free copy... easy peasy...
no matter what anybody has already told you about Hansel and Gretel, get ready to be surprised...
this podcast is gonna take you on a rollercoaster of psychological depths and heights — not to mention informative twists and turns — all of them designed to entertain the hell out of you…
you can find out all about it on the website betweenthelines.xyz, or on whatever podcast app that floats your boat…
and please take a listen to my art podcast, kristo.art it’s my take on art and art appreciation that aims to take the snoot and attitude out of museum and gallery going...
it actually let's you own the damn place...
okay, well, that's it for today... thanks for listening... have a great day, and I'll see you tomorrow...
Alrighty then... ciao a tutti...
got a comment or a question:
Music and Sound credits:
kristo's bongo loops courtesy of Beyonda and flashkit.com
A River of Doubt by Skip Peck and licensed through neosounds.com
"ciao" courtesy of Nighteller and freesound.org - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
"ciao ciao" courtesy of Nighteller and freesound.org - This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License
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synchronicity and the horoscope...
here's how to use yesterday’s horoscope to train your own intuition:
don’t think of it as old news... use it as an exercise...
look for things that sound like descriptions of events from your day — uncannily direct is great, but oddly familiar is even better... astrology is all metaphor, you know?
as your intuition grows, you’ll learn to trust it more and more — and that’s when you’ll start appreciating the synchronicities for what they really are: affirmations from Psyche telling you that you’re on the right track...
then, like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs, all you have to do is see where they lead....