May 11, 2020 : Luna's in Capricorn and Saturn turns Retrograde - you take a big happy step forward

May 11, 2020

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welcome to episode 55 of kristo's astrology... here's my reading of the Zeitgeist for Monday, May 11th, 2020


Capricorn Luna Squares Aries Chiron (in his Quintile to the Pluto / Jupiter Conjunction) @12:28 AM UTC-0/GMT

Beware of strong doses of logic...

and what I mean is, what's going on right now can easily be understood logically...

the problem is, logic is not what's indicated...

what we need are some tiny, homeopathic doses of Intuition...

without it, we're more likely to poison ourselves with an overdose of logic and practicality...


Luna Quintiles Piscean Neptune (in his Square to the Cancer Dragon’s Head, and Sextile to Taurean Mercury) @1:28 AM

expect to understand how best to procede...

this isn't a feeling, and explanations (logical or otherwise) are a mixed bag...

you just know what's what in your bones...

depend on it...


Aquarian Saturn (in his Quincunx to the Dragon’s Head) turns Retrograde (until September 29th) @5:09 AM

here's the crux of the matter: Saturn Conjuncting Pluto back on January 12th was the inciting incident unleashing the corona virus and our current reality...

of course, I'm speaking astrologically here... which means, I'm speaking to your Intuition... not your logical mind...

logic, of course, isn't the enemy, yet it dictates that astrology is a waste of time, attention, and breath...

that's fine by me... I'm not out to persuade those logical types of the advantages of astrology...

just be aware that logic alone is not any more capable of a complete a picture of reality than Intuition alone, or Feelings alone or even our 5 senses...

the technical name for the study of this concept is epistemology... which just means the study of how we know what we know...

(Hey... don't let that busy wikipedia page scare you... that's all the work of logic)

bottom line — without Intuition, there's no way to know everything that logic wishes it alone could know...

okay, back to my astrologic point: Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn — this transit began months ago and takes months to play out...

right now, faster moving Saturn is more than 7 degrees beyond an exact Conjunction with Pluto... moving Retrograde will bring Saturn back to within 3 degrees, which is the orb of influence I consider relevant...

that 3 degree orb is going to be most active around September 29th, when Saturn once again turns Direct...

and so the good news is that once Saturn leaves that 3 degree orb again (which will happen on October 14th), that's all she wrote...

there's no further active influence...

meaning, that this ordeal is going to be officially over, and we'll be into the Transformation stage... what I consider the after-party...

things will be different, for sure... they just won't be as dangerous...

you can read what I had to say about this when it was happening, or you can listen to the podcast episode I devoted to it:




Mercury (in his / her Trine to the Pluto / Jupiter Conjunction, and Trine to Saturn) exactly Squares Aquarian Mars (in his Trine to the Dragon’s Head) @8:33 AM

Expect to feel a bit anxious, antsy, and even a little bit pissed off...

it's okay to complain... just don't obsess over this...

you've got other fish to fry...


Mercury enters Gemini @10:58 PM (until May 28th), and Luna Sextiles Neptune @11:05 PM

it's time to have a little fun...

play with your Intuition...

Intuition is a pretty serious thing... and we each have it... although there are so many intuitives who haven't the slightest idea that they do, indeed have a strong intuitive capacity...

the problem is that our culture has no clue about it... the culture only believes what it wants to believe... and wants us all to believe... and it has spent the last 200 years or so trying to stamp out the very concept of intuition...

of course, those of us who have an understanding of intuition still have to live in the culture as it is... although that doesn't mean we can't change it... the culture, I mean...

and that's what my upcoming fairytale podcast on is aiming to do...

in the meantime, we've got 17 days worth of Mercury in Gemini to go a little wild and play with our intuition...

take it out for a test drive...

make mistakes with it...

just don't expect miracles of it...

of course, tune into my reading of the zeitgeist every day (and don't worry about the exact timing of things) just look for synchronicities in your own life that coincide what you hear from me...

you're going to improve your understanding of your own intuition by leaps and bounds...


okay, well, that's it for today... thanks for listening... have a great day, and I'll see you tomorrow...

Alrighty then... ciao a tutti...

talk to me... 

Music credits:


Singing a Happy Song from the Maurice Chevalier Collection 1929-1934 on 

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