April 13, 2020 : Luna enters Capricorn

April 13, 2020

**all times reported here are in UTC-0 (Universal Coordinated Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)... please adjust according to your own Time Zone...if you're not sure about the time zone difference, you can find that here: Time Zone Map

welcome to episode 27 of kristo's astrology... here's my reading of the Zeitgeist for Monday, April 13th 2020


Luna enters Capricorn @1:05 AM UTC-0/GMT, and Squares Aries Mercury (in his / her Sextile to Aquarian Saturn) @6:59 AM

this is one of those instances of you telling yourself not to indulge the fantasy... you think you know why... or at least, you think you have a good reason... except it's just a feeling... and a guilt-inducing one at that...

in this instance, past experience weighs heavily but doesn't count...


Luna Trines unaspected Taurean Uranus @11:36 AM

your Intuition translates into some kind of fortunate body posture... (or is it the other way around??)

this is a good moment for all things Taurean... but especially those that put you in a good position...

I'm thinking Qi Gong or Tai Chi or any dance move you've got... (working in the garden could do it as well... you never know what you're gonna dig up while you're doing it...)


well, that's it for today... thanks for listening... transcripts, as usual, are available on the website at and I hope to see you there...

alrighty then... see you tomorrow... and ciao a tutti...

talk to me... 

Music credits:

Ramblin' Blues (by Brodsky and Moore) performed by Golden Gate Orchestra and courtesy of Internet Archive and Kahle/Austin Foundation

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