today is Tuesday, January 7th, 2025
um, I guess it isn't...
today is Monday, February 24th, 2025
the latest Episode is 38 — "All You Need Is Love, Right?"
if you wanna know the root cause of the Infamous, Ubiquitous Imposter Syndrome, just take a listen...
just so you know
💣 💣 💣 in Episode 39 I'm gonna drop a Grimms scholarship BOMB...!💥 💥 💥
you DO want to know why the Grimms switched out Hansel and Gretel's mother for a Step-Mother, don't you...???
tune in and find out...
it's taking forever to produce because:
there's a helluva lot more factual detail that goes into a revelation like this than I woulda thought...
enough to compose a German version of War and Peace...
and that's why it's gonna be a 4 part sequence of Episode 39 through Episode 42...
don't blame me, though...
it was the Grimms themselves who insisted on cramming a ridiculous plethora of historical facts into 3 little sentences...
*** went live on May 27, 1998
thanks to everyone who decided to tune in every day...
please do take a listen to the Hansel and Gretel Code podcast...
if Astrology is the short game for your Intuition — Hansel & Gretel is the long game...
let me know what you think about things so far...
as I've said before, speeding up the production process (not only for all the busy-work it requires, but also for the kind of good, literary editorial help and guidance I could use) would require hiring outside help...
and that's just not gonna be possible without the grace of your support...
heartfelt thanks to every one of you who've so far blessed my efforts!!!
I've always considered myself a one man band on-line, but I've come to understand that you, my audience, are as much a part of the material I'm able to share as are the centuries (and millennia) worth of authorities I've studied, and who have always influenced whatever work I've been able to accomplish...
grazie a tutti quanti...
Episode 37: The Check's in the Mail, or: Wake the F*** Up!
Episode 36: C'mon Baby, Light My Fire
Episode 35: TGIF! Thank Goddess it's Friday!
Episode 34: We Need More Cowbell!
Episode 33: Runes and Rosaries and Rude Awakenings, or: Time to Make the Donuts
Episode 32: The Power of Plan B
Episode 31: Talking Heads, or Plastic Jesus & Velvet Elvis
Episode 30: Hansel and the Real Doctor Faustus
Episode 29: The Great Revelation, or: Lutheran Stew on a Plate
Episode 28: The world’s longest game of telephone, or: gospel gossip
Episode 27: That's a Bozo No-No, or: Welcome to Camp Simon!
Episode 26: Hansel and Gretel meet Rocky and Bullwinkle or: The Emerald Tablet goes Flying
Episode 25 of the Hansel and Gretel Code: Hello, Numen
Episode 24 of the Hansel and Gretel Code: Apples and Oranges and Oreos
Episode 23 of the Hansel and Gretel Code: He's on a Mission From God
Episode 22 of the Hansel and Gretel Code: A Grimm's Grimoire
Episode 21: I got a Funny Feeling About This
Episode 20: DIY Coffin Carpentry
Episode 19: Steak Tartare and Blood Sausage
Episode 18: I Gotta Lot on My Conscience
Episode 17: So What's the Story, Ritchie?
Episode 16: Taco Bell or Wendy's?
Episode 15: The Nuclear-Powered Toaster Oven
I'm delighted to have participated in a sweet conversation on the podcast: Quarantine Phone Calls...
If you'd like to listen in and learn more about me and what I've been up to, please do take a listen:
and here's the 1 minute trailer to the Hansel and Gretel Code — the podcast for people who LOVE fairytales, and who'd love to know what they really mean...
**Conversation with an Alchemist...**
The Phoenix Project
i ching and tarot